I am Patrick Sibold, I´m a passionate fisher, hunter, bushcrafter and ranger. In March 2017 I founded the family business WTB Outdoor Equipment e.K. out of my passion for nature. It took us one and a half year to create our first product, the „WTB hobo stove“. The idea for a stove, which is developed and tested on tour outdoors, worked !
Because of this great result we were able to launch our second product in November 2017, the WTB outdoor knife „Falcon“. The „Falcon“ showed us again how useful our practical knowledge, about working and being in nature is, for creating new outdoor equipment.
In April 2018 the WTB hobo stove 2.0 was born. We improved the stand of the „WTB hobo stoved“ due ro some customer requests. It was very important for us that it is possible to upgrade the older products with the new innovations, so our customers can upgrade their old „hobo stove“ with the new piece to reach the stand of the „hobo stove 2.0“.
In September 2018 we launched the WTB outdoor knife „Woodpecker“.
The „Woodpecker“ is more filigree than the „Falcon“ , therefore it is perfect for carving and cutting meat.
In June 2019 our WTB outdoor axe „Beaver“ came up.
We took the time while the first Corona-Lockdown in spring 2020 and expanded our range with the WTB cutlery set „Pothanger“ and a spirit burner.
Our products are now available in online shops and stores in all over Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.
We also deliver from Germany to all of the 28 member states of the European Union.
We are looking forward to create new products for all enthusiastic outdoor freaks and bushcrafters with our core values: quality, innovation and passion! We keep staying in touch to our customers and their experiences for more great id